Thursday, April 15, 2010

Happiness Makes Me Happy!

In the words of Kellie Nelson, "I just love 'love'".

Again, this trip has been really nice. It has been nice to get away, and it has been great to be around Matt's family. I feel like I have had little pieces of Matt with me all week long. This has been really good for me, as I was really starting to miss him, and even though I know he is there, and I know he is him, I have missed his silliness, and his loving, caring ways. Being here with his family certainly reminds me of who he is, and why I love him (and them all) so much.

Today, we went to lunch with Jason, Amanda, Kaden and Addison. Makayla was at school (but I did get a big squeeze from her when I saw her later this afternoon). Anyway, while we were at lunch, Kaden sat next to me, and let me help color in his coloring book. He was showing me how he did his puzzles. It was so cute. He said to me, as the waiter walked over, "I'm getting the cheese pizza". Jason then ordered the cheese pizza for him, and he looks at me and said "See, I told you!" It was adorable. That little man ate all his pizza! What a big boy (or, I mean, "just a kid"). Addison was sleepy, but Amanda said that she has been sleeping better this week. What a great break for mommy and daddy. They are such great parents! Watching them with their kids really makes me want them too. I can't wait to see Matt as a Daddy! I know he will be amazing!

Tonight, Ron and Suzanne and I went to go see "The Bounty Hunter". I loved the movie. The only thing that would have made it better would be if Matt was there watching it with me, and snuggling in the pink slanket as we like to do (honey, admit it. :) ). Anyway, it was a great movie. We went out to an Italian Place, Terra Mia, and had dinner. On the way home, Ron and Suzanne were playing "Punch Dub". It was HI-LAR-IOUS! I was laughing my head off. It was so nice to see them flirting and playing. That reminds me of Matt and I. We are always laughing and picking at each other. It makes me so happy to see marriage, even after 34 years, can still be fun, enlightening, and happy. It doesn't always have to be "business" or "grown up".

I know that I have married in to a wonderful family. They have shared goals, morals, values, and the caring, sharing and loving that they share is wonderful. I love that I feel as much a part of their family as anyone. This is technically only the 5th time I have "met" them in person, but since Day 1, I have felt like I belong.

With all that being said, I also need to mention how much I love my own family, and our ways of life as well. I love that Matt can feel as much involved and part of my family as he does with his own as well. I can't wait to share more of that with him also.

This trip has been such an awesome relief from the day to day countdown of Matt coming home. I, of course, am still counting down, but I definitely feel as if it is a little easier, and I have all the support and love I need from good friends and family. I love you all!

Good night. :)


  1. I am so glad you are here! You are so good with our kids and they love you soooo much! Even if I am a little out of it and sleepy I am so thankful for you and your friendship and all you do for Jason and I. Glad you could make it out and looking forward to a girls day out tomorrow!

  2. Hi Amanda! I had so much fun. You guys really make me feel like part of the family, and I love that. Thank you so much! I love the kids too! :) We had a lot of fun on our day out. I miss you all already!
